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Life Covenant Sanctuary is a melting pot of different cultures and languages. Due to the tremendous growth of our Spanish-speaking members; our church started a full-time Spanish ministry. Rev. Luis and Tere De La Rosa are the leaders of the Spanish ministry and under their direction this ministry has blossomed.

Every Sunday afternoon at 3:00pm we have a Spanish service at Life Covenant Sanctuary. Here members can worship and hear preaching in their own language. 

Our church also provides headsets to anyone who needs translating at all services.


El ministerio hispano de Life Covenant Sanctuary se inicio el 24 de Agosto del 2002; nacio en el corazon del Pastor Dale Eason, un siervo de Dios con una clara vision de esparcir el evangelio a todas las naciones, entendiendo que algunos son llamados a partir y siguiendo la guia de Dios, emprenden un viaje en fe que los lleva a un determinado pais, en donde van y siembran la preciosa Palabra de Dios.

Otros, en su iglesia local, abren las puertas a todas las naciones, proporcionando un lugar en donde se predique el puro evangelio y en donde puedan libremente alabar y adorar al Rey de reyes y Senor de senores.

Life Covenant Sanctuary se encuentran representadas diferentes nacionalidades, el mayor numero de ellas de habla hispana, por lo que decidimos ademas de traducir cada culto al Espanol por medio de audifonos, tener un culto completamente en Espanol, en donde nuestras familias pueden recibir la Palabra y adorar al Senor con canticos en su idioma.

Tenemos un dinamico grupo de jovenes integrado por todas las nacionalidades.

A traves de los anos nuestra congregacion hispana ha viajado a disfrutar de campamentos y convenciones en otras ciudades y estados. Los lideres del ministerio hispano, se han involucrado con MEH (Ministerio de Evangelismo Hispano), participando y cooperando a nivel local y nacional.


Life Covenant Sanctuary es una iglesia sin barreras en donde vas a ser tratado con dignidad y respeto, en donde encontraras mas que una congregacion, una gran familia.




The Spanish Ministry of Life Covenant Sanctuary started on August 24, 2002; it was born in the heart of Pastor Dale Eason, a servant of God with a clear vision to spread the Gospel to all nations, understanding that some are called to leave and following
God's guidance start a journey in faith that takes them to a determined country where they go and plant the beautiful

Word of God.

Others, in their local church, open the doors to all nations, providing a place where the pure gospel is preached, and where they can freely praise and worship the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Life Covenant Sanctuary is represented by different nations, the larger number of them being Spanish speaking, the reason why we decided that besides interpreting every service through headsets, to have a service completely in Spanish, where our families can receive the Word of God and sing songs in their language. We have a dynamic youth group integrated from all nations.


Through the years our Spanish Congregation has traveled to enjoy camps and conferences in other cities and states. Our Spanish leaders had been actively involved with SEM (Spanish Evangelism Ministries), participating and cooperating both locally
and at the national level.

Life Covenant Sanctuary is a church without barriers where you will be treated with dignity and respect, where you will find more than a congregation, a great family.



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