Making a Life Covenant
If you are wondering what the next step is once you've decided to make Life Covenant your Home Church. Then we invite you to take a leap of faith and join our Making a Life Covenant Class. It is more than a new members' class.
It's about joining a family and learning more about our history, our faith, our doctrine, the bible, and all that is within it as well as what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Come and embark on this amazing journey through the word of God.
Making a Life Covenant is a four-part class with six lessons each that meets on Sunday mornings. Our hope is that after these four classes you will be ready to be involved with ministry opportunities within our church. Making a Life Covenant is a beautiful and enriching experience. We hope you will join us on this incredible journey.
To learn more about this exciting opportunity visit the Welcome Center to sign up in person.
You can also contact our Discipleship Pastors Robert & Bianca Holland directly and find out how you can take part in this life-changing class. ‪(941) 867-0503‬