Day One is a Christ-centered recovery ministry at Life Covenant Sanctuary Church. We are here to help ANYONE who wants to overcome their Hurts, Habits or Hang-Ups! We understand that LIFE gets tough and sometimes we get stuck at that place of hurt or bad habit. Day One Ministry invites everyone whether you’ve been in church your whole life, or you are a new believer, to take a journey with us of intentional biblical study and self reflection. This is a place we can talk, learn and share our life experiences
with each other and how God through His Word helped us RECOVER.
There is HOPE and a LIGHT for your dark places!
This group is designed to be a 10 week study of 8 Healing Principles of Recovery found in the bible.
Men and Women ages 18+ are welcome to attend. We provide coffee, water & snacks. Childcare is also available upon request. Registration is required as these sessions are only conducted twice a year (Feb-April & Sept-Nov).
Meeting Hours:
Thursday Evening: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Phone: 941.756.1451
Address: 5428 39th Street E. Bradenton, Fl 34203
Addiction (chemical & non-chemical), Co-Dependency, Boundaries, Faith, Fears, Forgiveness, Childhood hurts,
Making Amends, Relationships, Spiritual Growth and more!
What to bring: A Binder, Pen, Bible & a willing heart
*DayOne Ministry is not a replacement for professional counseling, therapy, and/or medical treatment.